Looking Back on 2022: A Year in Review


November 14, 2022 | by Kris Kepler, CEO


“Y'all touched my heart. These tears are real ones."

These words, shared by our Pop-Up Care Village guest in August, encompass the immense power of Radical Hospitality and the many hearts it’s touched this past year. 

Not only has Radical Hospitality touched the hearts of our guests, but also the hearts of many dedicated individuals who we’ve trained and funded to bring mobile showers and Pop-Up Care Villages to thousands more people in need.

As the year comes to a close, I want to share with you the incredible impact our team has made touching the hearts of so many. Because what we’ve accomplished is truly incredible!



Bringing more showers and care to the streets

This year our team has accelerated the launch of 14 new mobile shower and Pop-Up Care Village programs across 15 cities in the United States, Canada and South Africa, and we’re anticipating one more launch before the year ends! And thanks to our corporate partners at Unilever and Kohler, we invested $130,000 in 14 organizations across 36 cities in the United States to sustain or launch their mobile shower programs. 

We’re also excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Starbucks to fund another $110,000 for hygiene initiatives across the United States in the coming year!

Our team also continued to build a network of service providers who are at all stages of bringing mobile showers and Pop-Up Care Village programs to the street. Our community platform currently hosts 1,000 active members across 602 cities and 29 countries, and our 49 trained affiliates have now served more than 47,000 people since 2020. 


2022 Mobile Hygiene & Pop-Up Care Village Launches

2022 Funding Recipients


Serving our local communities

We sponsored more than 1,180 hours of consulting and training to our affiliates this year, and still made a big impact serving our guests in the San Francisco Bay Area and in Los Angeles. 

So far this year, we’ve served more than 1,200 people at our weekly mobile hygiene services and Pop-Up Care Villages.

At our weekly mobile hygiene stations, we provided more than 1,100 showers to our guests in San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles. The five Pop-Up Care Villages we hosted in Oakland brought more than 600 outfits, haircuts, and massages to our guests, including 553 referrals to housing, mental health, and employment aid.


2022 Pop-Up Care Villages at Oakland City Hall


Building a future where hygiene is a human right

I hope our impact this year made you proud to be part of our team. A team that believes everyone is deserving of unwavering kindness, dignity, and visibility. That hygiene is a fundamental human right, no matter the circumstance.

Thank you for being a part of our journey this year. We cannot wait to see what more we can accomplish together.




Kris Kepler, CEO

Colton Coty